The second Matt Loves Cameras podcast film photography competition for 2022 has been launched. This competition is all about xpro, or cross processing film.

What is cross processing?
Cross processing is the deliberate processing of film in a chemical solution intended for a different type of film. The process can create interesting and unique effects.
Check out some examples of cross processed film on my Kodak Ektachrome 64T sample images page.

Competition rules
You can use:
- any film camera
- any film format.
However your film MUST be cross-processed.
Examples of eligible cross-processing include:
- Shooting E6 colour transparency film and having it developed in C41 chemicals
- Shooting C41 colour negative film and having it developed in E6 chemicals
- Shooting ECN2 film and having it developed in C41 chemicals
- Shooting colour film and developing it in B&W chemicals

Competition details and entry form
- Photos must be taken between 1 January 2022 and the closing date 30 September 2022.
- On or before the closing date, send up to four of your images in via the Xpro 2022 competition entry form.
- If possible, make your images a minimum of 3000 pixels on the long side.
- Be sure to tell me where you took the photos, which camera you used and which film.
- As the entries roll in, I will feature them on this website.
- Judges (TBC) will also be taking part.