Check out the incredible entries in the Matt Loves Cameras Xpro 2022 competition – a celebration of cross processing film!
You can find out more about the competition on the Xpro film photography competition page.
The judging will take part over 2 episodes on the Matt Loves Cameras podcast.
Bill Thoo
Instagram @bill.thoo
All three images are from the same roll of expired Ektachrome 100x 120 film, shot on the Minolta Autocord TLR during a day at the 2022 Royal Sydney Easter Show. Best In Show was shot at the Dog Judging. Stables and Gallop were shot at the horse yards. The film was home developed in a Cinestill C41 kit.

Molly Kate
Instagram / Twitter / TikTok / YouTube @eclectachrome
I used the Yashicamat 124G with Fujifilm Provia 100F and asked the lab to process it in C41. This was my second time cross procesing film and I had done it with 35mm Provia 100F in c41 before so figured would see how the 120 version went! I really liked the results. My favorite image would have to be the cat, but it isn’t that visible, so my second would be the reflections shot!

Nathan McGee
Instagram @measuredlightphoto YouTube MeasuredLight
I used an expired roll of Fuji Velvia 100 in my Fujifilm G617 Panoramic camera. I went out into the Scenic Rim to shoot sunrise and try for something different. I had it developed and scanned at Camera House Indooroopilly and stitched the scans together myself. The “Red Planet” images is definitely my favourite. I love this scene normally, but it looks really cool with the intense reds. I knew that it was going to be a bit unpredictable, but I honestly didn’t expect the colour shifts to be quite so wild!

Matt Jones
This was a roll of Fuji CDU duplicating positive film in 120 format. I shot them in my fuji GF670 folder and the film was cross processed in c-41. I used a pre-soak in rodinal because my c-41 kit is quite old, it was mixed a year ago, has developed 18 rolls and lived in 30 degree heat. Surprisingly the CDU still developed as a positive even though it was cross processed in c-41. I can only think this was because of the rodinal pre develop. Some brownish cast at the bottom of the frames and some blue at the top. I think I like the bus stop best. Cheers boys.

Olympus OM-1 with the normal 50mm lens. Kodak 2254 ECN2 film processed in E6. My chemicals are terribly old and mistreated, and I used rodinal as the first developer. The results have uneven processing due to the fact that I also stand developed at room temperature and watched netflix :)

Mogammad Adh-har Jardien
Youtube: Eye of Alchemy Instagram: @eyeofalchemy
For the first three portraits, my friend and I were in Cape Town Gardens waiting for my clients and decided to kill time by taking some laid back shots. The last portrait was shot on a photo walk on a wine farm. The guy needed to stop to rest his arms from carrying his RB67 and I asked to take his portrait. The film I used was expired Lomography X-Pro 200, cross-processed in C-41 chemicals. The camera I used was my trusty Yashica 635 TLR.

Dave Roberts
Instagram @dave1109971 @grangehillfarm Flickr Poniatowskiphoto
All images shot on a Nikon F3 with Nikkor 50mm F1.2 AIS on shots (Apple/Leaf/Bench) and 135mm F2.8 AIS for (Farm). All are on Kodak Vision 3 250D stock and processed in Cinestill 2 powder simplified kit. I process at home and the remjet romval is done with Melbourne film supply remjet remover (works a treat – highly recommend) Further I bulk rolled the film from a 400ft roll from the UK. I process all my films at home – love film so much I’ve built my own darkroom in the shed and don’t get me started on BW darkroom printing could talk all day on that. I know you send your film off, but with rising costs, bulk rolling and home dev is so cost effective – 250D including developing costs me appr $7 a roll. My favorite is The Farm – It is taken from my farm over at my neighbors. The setting sun played so wonderfully in the clouds. Reminds me of a watercolor painting.

Richard Hall
Twitter @richardhall
These images were taken on a trip to Scotland in June this year. The film is Agfachrome 100 RS in 120 format. I’m not sure how old it is or even where I picked it up from and sadly I don’t have any more of it. I shot it in a recently acquired Mia 6×6 pinhole camera so there was an awful lot of guesswork involved in both the composition and exposure of the images. I developed them myself in a Bellini C41 kit. I think my favourite pic is The Brock, a neolithic burial chamber on the coast of north west Scotland, but I’m quite fond of the Digger too. I’ve done a bit of xpro before but it isn’t something I do regularly: a competition like this is a chance to do something different for a change. The Mia 6×6 is a 3D printed camera wwith a really wide field of view and aperture of f/137. I love it!

Naomi McKenzie
Instagram @silversaltress
Velvia 100 processed in C41, shot with Nikon 501 July 2022 at Watts Bridge Airfield, Brisbane Valley. This film is 15 years old. It has never been refrigerated and has endured a temp range from -7 to 43 degrees. There may never have been a more mistreated roll of film, yet still it produces magic. Perfectly processed and scanned by Ikigai.

Pavel Pinos
Instagram @pinhology_com
Villa Tugendhat by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (Brno, Czech Republic), Zeiss Ikonta 532/16, expired Fujichrome Provia 100 lab developed in C41,

Dale Willetts
Instagram @delusions_of_competence
I decided to go all out on the theme of doing things wrong. The film is 4×5 Kodak Ektachrome 64 daylight. The use by date on the film is February 1984 so it’s a little out of date. I rated it at iso 50 and used my Intrepid mark 4 camera. Developed at home by stand development in bellini c41 kit chemicals. The colours, grain and imperfections are….. shall we say interesting at least. My favourite is probably the water bowser but it’s hard to pick a favourite from such terrible images lol.

Melissa Findlay
Instagram @foxfins
I’ve had a bunch of old expired slide film in my fridge for years now and when i heard the cross-pro challenge announcement on your podcast i immediately loaded a roll in my camera. The photos of the preston building and boxhill street shot were both taken on my Olympus XA using Agfa Precisa CT100 back in February. These were lab developed in C-41 and i was pleasantly surprised with the results. I can see why the original Precisa is such a sought after film for x-pro as it delivers punchy colours and contrast while still retaining detail. The Melbourne city shadow shot was taken in July on my Canon EOS 100 using Kodak Elite Chrome 100, lab developed in C-41. This roll produced far more unpredictable results, with intense contrast, and huge colour shifts. Overall i loved this challenge and look forward to experimenting with x-pro again in future!

Ken Bertram
Instagram @kenbertramphoto Flickr kenbertram
Matt and honorable guest judge, this is the first time I tried cross processing. I had 2 rolls of Ektachrome left, one in 35mm and the other in 120. Instead of mixing up a fresh batch of E6 I developed them both in C-41 at home. I did not like the 120 shots as they were a bunch of rocks in the water and looked like normal E6 results. I took the pictures at a friend’s house. All of them were taken with the Canon 7n using the EF 24-105 L lens. Guards is my favorite image.

Casey Hall
Instagram @thejunkbookjournal Grainery caseyhall
Camera used was the Yashica 124G with expired Kodak Ektachrome E100. The roll was lab processed using c-41 in place of the required E-6 process. I figured I’d try day and night shooting while doing this whole experiment. I have attached one night shot at a church and two at Niagara Falls, New York. This was the first time cross-processing for me, honestly can’t say I’m a fan of this particular cross processing combination due to turning the greens neon and the crazy color distortion. I know there are other combinations which I’d like to try in the future for sure, but this combination didn’t do it for me. Thanks Matt for always opening new doors and pushing us to try new things. Cheers, Casey

Daniel E Smith
Instagram @corvuspress
Hello, this photo was shot on Kodak Ektachrome-x, an ISO 64 film from the 1960s-70s. I bought it along with some other film thinking it was E6, but later learned this is an E4 process film – meaning I’m not able to have it lab developed. I do my own black and white and some C41 developing at home, but I had never tried cross processing. This contest motivated me to figure out a way to develop this film. The first roll was completely ruined as I had the chemicals too hot and the emulsion completely fell off the base. For the next two rolls, I developed for 18 minutes in a color negative kit from the Film Photography Project, but I held the chemicals at around 21C. The negatives are a bit thin, but the scanned well with silverlight 8 and an Espon V600.

Dave Mihaly
theoldcameraguy (YouTube/Instagram/Twitter/TikTok)
I shot an expired roll of Ektachrome 100 at the Ohio State Fair in my Canon Rebel Ti and then home developed the roll with my CineStill C-41 kit. This is my third time cross processing – the other two rolls I did were Fuji Sensia and did not turn out quite as green as this roll of Ektachrome did. My favorite image is “Big Wheel Keep On Turning” as the “Rising Waters” and “Twister” signs, along with the somewhat sickly green tone impart a bit of a sense of foreboding not typically associated with a normally joyous occasion such as a state fair.

Stephen Marmaroff
Instagram @developing_monochrome
My first roll was a unknown but very expired ektachrome e100 shot with my Pentax 645n. I developed it using a cinestill CS41 kit snd when I pulled the film out of the tank the emulsion literally dissolved and separated from the blue film base. Needless to say it was a complete failure. For my second attempt I had a roll of Ilford XP1 400 expired August 1994. I loaded it in my Pentax 6×7 and attached the 45mm and metered it at ISO 80. Next I developed it in Hc110 dilution H 1+62 for 10min. The first image was the fence and sign shot at a local airport. I later made my way to Belmont State Park where I attached the 150mm and shot the basketball hoop and nearby water fountain. I’ve only had this camera since February 2022 and have rune only a few rolls through it. A bit heavy but the images it renders is worth the weight. Looking forward to many more rolls of fun.

Instagram @jonathan.bensimon
Shot on a Nikon F2 AS (various lenses) – First time in 20 years, but it’s the first time with the new E100 – Developed at Downtown Camera in Toronto – Fav image… great question, maybe JBoXpro2 (but I could be swayed) – Please read War and Peace from cover to cover ;)

Tom Napier
Instagram @tommy_napier Flickr Tom Napier EyeEm tomnapier2
Hi Matt Being primarily a B&W shooter, my first thought for this challenge was to shoot a roll of Kodachrome 64 and dev in B&W chemicals. Unfortunately the film expired 24 years ago and was severally fogged with only one usable image of a padlocked gate to show for my efforts. Next was a roll of Ektachrome E200 expired 2001, just a little bit younger than the Kodachrome, but due to yet another chest infection and life in general, this roll is still sitting in the camera half finishes. So I hear you ask what’s next?. A couple of months ago I shot a fresh roll of gold 400, deved in ECN-2. Nice images but not that geek Xpro wow factor I was looking for to hopefully impress the judges, but at least I have something to show for my efforts. Camera: Nikon F60, 50mm f1.8. Film: Kodak Gold 400. Dev: X Processed in FPP ECN-2 kit. Image 1. Cane chairs in my front yard, Brighton QLD Image 2&3. Rusty stuff at a Salvage shop in Northgate Brisbane Image 4. My personal favourite, a clown in front of the Australian flag displayed in an Opp Shop, also in Northgate. I hope these images meet the Xpro requirements. Regards. Tom Napier.

John-Michael Mendizza and model Alina Runk
Instagram @jmmendizza and model @traeumelinchen98
Thanks to the podcast, the Xpro competition was fresh in my mind as I was getting ready for the Photoshoot with Alina. We knew that we wanted to do some fun fashion images with bold colors, and it seemed like the perfect time to try some cross processing. I have had a few rolls of slide film developed in C-41 before, but normally just because it is less fuss than waiting for the slide film to get developed. The setup was two or three flashes one with white light on her face, and then one or two with colored gels for the background. These images were taking on a Minolta Hi-Matic7s, it has a leaf shutter so it is easy to use with flash. The film is AGFA CT precisa 100 slide film that expired in 2006. Developed by my local lab as C-41, scanned at home with my digital camera and inverted with NLP. Please credit the model as well 😊 I put her name and Instagram alongside mine in appropriate fields. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Lori Brooks
Instagram @Fashionistalori
Olympus LT1 in black leather. Kodak gold 200 processed at home with ECN-2 chemistry— sorry about the file names Matt, LR on the iPhone named the pictures.

Paul Hopper
Flickr roll_film
Shot with Olympus OM-PC (OM40) in a pine forest near Palm Springs, California USA. An aerial tram takes you from the desert station 2,643 ft (806 m) to the mountain visitor center 8,516 ft (2,596 m) Elite Crome slide film Expired (11/2001) and heat damaged. Cross processed C41 by The Darkroom. My favorite is the sign in the meadow. I had to leave the trail to get the picture only to find sign said to get back on the trail.

Max Stevens
Instagram @gdansk.oczami.amerykanina
Double – Lomo LC-A 120, Agfa RSX II 100, Gdansk, Poland. // Shipyard – Lomo LC-A Agfa RSX II 50, Gdansk, Poland. // Tunnel Vision – Lomo LC-A – Fuji Provia 100f. // Morning Views – Lomo LC-A, Fuji Astia 100. // All photos lab developed. // I started cross processing film in 2006 at the end of the true Agfa era. CT Precisa won my heart with its extra vibrant, but still real colors.

Jodi Benaroch
The square images were taken in Delray Beach, Florida, with a Lomography Mini Diana and expired Fuji Velvia 100F. I don’t know how old the film is because I bought it (cheap) at an estate sale. The other two images were taken in New Orleans, Louisiana, using a Canon T80 that belonged to my grandmother in the 1980s. The film was Kodak Elite Chrome 400, expired in 2005. Both the film and the camera were given to me by my uncle, who found them in his basement. Both films are E6 films processed as C41 by me at home. I initially started cross-processing E6 film out of necessity–I didn’t have the proper chemistry at home. I have since bought an E6 kit, but it is still sitting unopened on a shelf. I have been so happy with the cross-processed results that I haven’t tried using the “real” chemistry yet. I love the colors of the cross processed Fuji, and I particularly like how the Elite Chrome has an interesting spooky look to it when cross processed.

Dustin Yager
Instagram @instagrata
For these images I tried out an old point and shoot I forgot I even had, a Nikon Lite Touch AF. This ended up being my first time shooting with this camera and I have to say that I’m very impressed with the results. Go get one of these if you are looking for a compact 35mm point and shoot that hasn’t had the price hyped to oblivion already. The film I used was Kodak Elite E-6 film expired in 1999 and developed in C-41 chem. I used to do more cross processing years ago but it’s been a little while so this was a fun challenge to get thinking in that process again. This was, however, my first time cross processing at home as I have been learning home developing more this past year. It’s definitely something I will be trying again sooner rather than later. Perhaps I will just keep this camera loaded up with some old slide film to carry around and shoot when I want those wild color shifts. My favorite image from this roll was the Corn Field. I live in New England in the US and was trying to capture the vibe of what this region is like in late summer. I was very happy with the final result from this image. I think the composition came out very pleasing and this image also has everything I want from a cross processing shot. The subject matter is still very recognizable but the color shifts in the sky make it feel almost a bit other worldly. And add to that the slight color fringing in the highlights behind the corn stalks *chef’s kiss* (If I do say so myself).

Ellen Morey
Roll 1: Film: Kodak Kodachrome 200 (expired 1993) Cross-Process: Caffenol-esq variation using a Pokeberry infusion in place of coffee Scanned: as color negative Camera: Pentax K1000 Lens: SMC-K 55mm f/2 Roll 2: Film: Fujicolor Superia 400 (expired) Cross-Process: DIY ECN-2 (kit by consofcart) Scanned: as color negative with Ektar profile Camera: Pentax K1000 Lens: SMC-K 55mm f/2 (using 52mm to K-mount reversal ring) 1st time cross processing home processed and home scanned Ellen is a photographer who excited about shooting expired film and experimenting with unconventional processing methods at home. Ellen likes to capture photographs of nature and her young son.

William Foster
Instagram @fostewi_film
This is my first time cross processing slide film (I do sometimes process ENC-2 in C41). With the cost and beauty of slide film I probably would be hesitant to try this but luckily I had just come across a big bag of expired 120 film which included lots of old slide film. In this case, I used old Kodak Ektachrome EPN 100 in my Fuji GS645 Pro (which I have been loving since I picked it up and had serviced recently). I enjoyed the results but found scanning a bit challenging as it was kind of hard to decide how much to try and “fix” the images but I am pretty happy with how they turned out, though curious on the variance in colour casts, etc. (I assume based on variances in exposure maybe???). I have really been enjoying your contests since I found them (and your podcast)…Cheers, William

Mark Thompson
Instagram @fyldephoto
These images were my first attempt at cross processing despite having been processing my own films for decades! Your podcast inspired me to give it a go. I found a couple of rolls of 120 Kodak Ektachrome Panther 100X, that had expired in 1995, so I decided to try it out. All the images were made using my Hasselblad 501cm with the standard 80mm lens around the promenade and piers of my home town, the seaside resort of Blackpool in Lancashire, UK. The film was home developed in my slightly too old C41 chemicals and scanned using the Pixl-Latr. When I opened the developing tank, I was very surprised with the yellow tint of the film base but the images were converted using Negative Lab Pro and now look relatively “normal” other than crushed highlights and shadows and vivid blue skies.

Deb Reul
The Camera is my favorite point and shoot – Konica C35 EF. The film is Rollei CrossBird, developed C41. All the images show how I perceive the view from my own yard. The reflection of Douglas Fir Trees in the pond, veiled behind petals of a snowball tree; the mystery of what a cat sees and does amidst so many textures, colors and smells; the Douglas Fir, seeming to point out two planes passing by, only visible against the whispers of clouds; the flowing waves of roses and salvia just before the sun moves on for the evening. My favorite is the reflections in the pond.

Piotr Milczarek
Hi, I am resubmitting since you mentioned that the deadline is extended, and I got another roll cross processed in the meantime. The pictures were shot on two rolls: Provia 100F (Medium format in Hasselblad 500 C/M with 80mm) and 35mm Fuji Sensia (very expired, shot on Contax T). I have developed them myself in ECN-2 chemistry. I scanned medium format on Epson V800 with Vuescan and the 35mm got scanned in Kodak Pakon F135. It is interesting how different the colors are, which is probably due to Pakon giving vibrant colors by default and Vuescan giving very flat files. I did not manipulate them too much apart of removing the strong color cast. The pictures were all taken in Copenhagen, where I live. This summer I have done a lot of street photography around popular waterfront areas, as the weather was great. I tried to connect the pictures in the submission series somehow. My favorite one is “HideNSeek” :) It is not the first time I have cross processed, but first time in ECN-2. The films turned out really well, better than usually with C41 cross. The only thing I realized in my last development was how temperature critical ECN-2 is – I run it maybe 1-2 degrees too hot and it ruined my Vision3 negatives! They got red and low contrast. But the slide from the same batch was looking good. Go figure. Learning something new every day.

Ken Tuomi
Instagram @kentuomi
Home developed C41 slide film. Shot on the MIA66 pinhole, Yashica Mat and Pentax K-1000 (a working man’s camera in drag, reskinned with blue imitation lizard). Pleasantly surprised with the Velvia 50 performance, its like it was meant to Xpro. Shooting pinhole with a slide film I intended to cross-process was “An exercise in insanity!” so I thought, but I Lomo’d on and was rewarded with glorious colour. The 3M Scotchchrome (originating from Film Ferrania) was a shot in the dark. Tips I found on shooting expired slide film summarized to “shoot it at box speed” and I assumed, cross ones fingers. All images exposed barely sufficient to scan but came out sharper (finer grain) than I had a right to expect. Cool artifacts, as well. Sourced from NARC on eBay. Ektachrome delivered reliably, though it was long expired stock from the FPP (EPS-100, that S is for Special 100). Matt, keep doing these challenges. It helps me stretch a bit and grow more confidence in this craft. Looking forward to Turquoise (if it ever ships….).

Peter Exley
Instagram @splittingimages
Bronica Sq-A 80/2.8 Expired Lomo Xpro 200 developed in Cinestill C41 2 bath.

Lomo XPro 200, Processed Cinestill CS41 2 Bath kit, Shot on Bronica SQ-A 80/2.8 Cropped to 5×7 This is my favourite image on the roll, I feel as if the composure and the grain in the photo really draws you into this depth at the centre and its almost like you can feel the DOF. This was shot 4 years ago, stored in my fridge and forgotten about. Glad i processed it.

Michael Adam
Flickr – michael adam
Cameras used are Leica R4 & Pentax MX – Film used was Rollei Crossbird reversal film. Home Cross-Processed in CineStill CS41. Home scanned with Epson Perfection V850Pro (fantastic scanner)

Adam Bennett
Glass @broben2of3
I used a Nikon N6006 inherited from my wife’s deceased aunt and uncle. This train station is near their apartment, which we were cleaning. The film is FPP RetroChrome 400, shot at box speed and cross processed in ECN-2 chemicals, from @consofcart (Etsy). I also cross processed a roll of Kodak E100 in ECN-2 chemicals, but felt they were bland. I regularly process C41 film in ECN-2 chemicals and don’t consider that cross processing.

Eric Vandrick
Instagram and Flickr @ericvandrick
This was not my first-time cross processing film but I still have never processes e-6 reversal film in c-41! Shot specifically for this competion and zine – all three of these images have become dear to me. Image 1 (PuppyWindow) Camera: Canon EOS 10s Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM Film: Kodak Kodachrome 64 (expired) shot @ 32 X-Process: home processed hc110 1:75 for 30 min @ room temp. Scanned as color negative. Image 2 (CampFire) Camera: Nikon FE2 Lens: Zoom-Nikkor 43-86mm pre-ai (chrome nose) Film: Kodak Ektachrome 64T (expired) shot at 50 X-Process: home processed reversal: 1st dev: hc110 dil. B for 12min @ 105F – Fogged with LED – 2nd dev: DIY ECN-2 Kit Image 3 (BoatRide) Camera: Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim Film: Kodak Ultra Max 400 X-Process: home processed DIY ECN-2 kit.

Lucy Lumen
Instagram @lucy_lumen
Hey Matts, I shot this roll of Ektachrome 64T in my Yashica T4. This roll of film was gifted to me on the day I first met you Matthew Murray. You gave me a bag full of zines and some film and we swapped cameras and went on a photo walk together. That would be the first of many collabs between us and I’m so happy to have met you! These shots were processed and scanned by the wonderful folks at Ikiagi Film Lab and I have to say I absolutely love this red car shot. The colour is so vibrant and I love the curves of the car and the shapes it’s creating. I like this shot so much that I have chosen it for an upcoming exhibition. Thank you for this roll Matt and for putting on this comp and getting us all out of our photography comfort zones! Cross processing is so fun I will definitely be doing it again. :)

Mayk Schupfer
I used a Nikonos V and Ilford Delta HP5 for the black and white pics, and expired Kodak Portra 800 for the coloured image. I had them developed at a small independent lab in my area. My favourite image is the one with the single subject in the rainstorm. We were freediving on a reef in the Philippines and a torrential rainstorm broke out while we were underwater. It reduced the visibility drastically making shooting underwater basically impossible, but it did make for some cool compositions above water. I picked the fastest possible shutter speed of 1/1000 to freeze the rain and shot this photograph of my sister.

Lux Lumen
Instagram @lux_lumen_
Ektachrome 64T Yashica T4, stole a few shots off Lucy.

Naomi McKenzie
Instagram @silversaltress
Both shot on my loyal Pentax K1000. The Kilcoy laundry caught my eye on a drive one day hunting around for shots to XPRO. The other is a simple winter beach shot with some brave folk wading in the water on the Sunshine Coast, QLD. Both shot with very expired and mistreated Velvia 100

This is an assignment I have wanted to set myself for some time. Processing Colour film with Black and White chemicals. It was very expired Kodak 400 film I used and shot on my kids cheap Ilford Sprite 35-II. The results have definitely surprised me and will defenatly be something I do again. I love the velvet look to the super grainy results.

Robert Rubin
Shot with a Yashica mat 124g on Kodak E100. Processed in c41 by George Street Camera in New Brunswick, NJ. I’ve never cross processed before and I’m surprised with how good these came out. Not a wide dynamic range and some color shifting but cool regardless. The first two were shot on a camping trip on the Delaware River in Milford, Pennsylvania. The third shot was taken at High Point, New Jersey…the highest point in the state (clever name I know). The fourth shot is a stretch of road called The Hawks Nest which snakes along the Delaware river in Deerpark, New York. I’m not sure if I can pick a favorite, but I’m leaning towards the last shot of The Hawk’s Nest. I’ve been on a handful of motorcycle trips riding through that area and have some great memories. The intersection of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania is truly a beautiful area. Anyway enough rambling. Hopefully I’m not too late with my entry here. Thanks for all you do. Cheers!

Dan Lewis
There are a lot of firsts here: my first time in over ten years shooting medium format, first roll of slide film I’ve ever shot, first roll of film through the RB67, and my first time cross processing film. Thank you Matt for inspiring all these firsts for me. I had a great time shooting this roll of E100 through my Mamiya RB67 ProSD with 180mm f4.5 lens. I asked my local camera shop to process with C41 process for me. I’m both really happy with the results, but still learning what aspects are a result of the cross processing and what I should attribute to the other ‘firsts’ I mentioned before. Of all the shots, the one entitled ‘finesse’ turned out almost exactly as I intended which was a pleasant surprise.