Adox Color Mission is an exciting new 35mm colour negative film released in early 2022. Here are my thoughts on Color Mission with sample images from my first two rolls.
Adox Color Mission origins
The film was co-researched with and coated for Adox by a company which went bankrupt shortly after the first run. The film has been in cold storage until it went on release in February 2022.
Adox called this film is called Color Mission for a reason – the profits from this film will fund research for a new colour film – which they say might come in four years.

About Adox Color Mission
Adox Color Mission is an ISO 200 35mm colour negative film. It is meant to be developed in the C41 process. Each roll contains 36 exposures.
Each canister of film has a sticker on it with Adox Color Mission branding. The sticker has no DX code – you will need to set your film speed manually. See below if you are using a camera that only reads DX codes.
Lifting the Color Mission sticker from the film reveals a blast from the past – Adox are reusing canisters from other brands for their film. Watch my YouTube review of Adox Color Mission to see which discontinued brand name is under the rolls I bought.

What’s Adox Color Mission film like?
Adox Color Mission is a high saturation and high contrast film.
The film does not seem to have a very high dynamic range. Other 200 speed films such as Kodak Gold 200 and Fujicolor C200 have a better latitude for overexposing and underexposing. It almost feels like a slide film in terms of its dynamic range.
The highlights are often bright – even when the film is shot at box speed.
Adox Color Mission is slightly more grain than other ISO200 films I’ve shot.

Using Adox Color Mission in a point and shoot camera
Many modern point and shoot cameras don’t allow you to set the film speed manually – they rely on DX codes. In this case, check your camera’s manual for what film speed your camera will default to.
For Canon, Contax, and Olympus cameras it’s usually ISO 100. This means you will be shooting the film one stop brighter. This should be okay, but as this is a high contrast film, expect your highlights to be bright. If your camera has exposure compensation, it might be worth setting it to a negative value to compensate.
As you can see from the sample images in this post, the highlights were quite bright or hot when the film was shot at box speed (ISO 200).
For Pentax and Konica point and shoots such as the Big Mini, the default ISO is often 25. I would not recommend shooting the film in one of these cameras as it will be quite overexposed.

What colours can I expect with Adox Color Mission?
- Orangey reds
- Deep rich oranges
- Full range of greens from mint to lush darker shades
- Beautiful rendering of shades of blue
- Warm retro feeling yellows.
My 2 Roll Review of Adox Color Mission
Watch my two YouTube videos about Adox Color Mission below. Make sure you subscribe to my channel Matt Loves Cameras as I will be doing a new reviews soon!
Adox Color Mission shot on Contax T3 and Fujifilm Klasse S
Adox Color Mission sample images

Is Adox Color Mission a good film?
Yes, I think it’s a fantastic colour negative film with incredible colours.
Where can I buy Adox Color Mission?
Adox Color Mission is sold by FotoImpex in Berlin. Also check your local film suppliers as they may have small quantities available for sale.
How much does Adox Color Mission cost?
The base price of Adox Color Mission is just over 10 euros a roll. However, that is not the final price – you will need to add on taxes and shipping which vary by country.
For me in Australia the price was around $13.75 USD a roll including shipping. The Australian dollar has improved against the Euro since I bought my film, so if I bought it again now, it would only be around $12.40 USD a roll.